Green Orbit Streamer Dozen
The Green Orbit Streamer Fly is a popular choice among anglers, especially in New Zealand. This fly is known for its effectiveness in harling and trolling, particularly in lakes like Lake Waikaremoana and Lake Taupo. It’s designed to imitate small baitfish, making it an excellent option for targeting larger trout.
The Green Orbit Streamer Fly typically features:
- A green body with a hint of flash to attract fish.
- A long, flowing tail made from materials like marabou or synthetic fibers to mimic the movement of baitfish.
- Often includes a weighted head to help it sink and move naturally in the water.
Fishing Techniques
Here are some effective techniques for using the Green Orbit Streamer Fly:
- Stripping: Cast the fly out and retrieve it in short, quick strips. This mimics the movement of a fleeing baitfish and can trigger aggressive strikes from predatory fish.
- Swinging: Cast the fly across the current and let it swing downstream. This technique is particularly effective in rivers and streams.
- Trolling: Slowly troll the fly behind a boat in lakes. This method covers a lot of water and can be very effective in locating fish.
- Harling: A traditional New Zealand technique where the fly is trolled slowly behind a boat, often in the early morning or late evening when fish are more active.
The Green Orbit Streamer Fly works well in various locations:
- Lakes: Ideal for trolling in lakes like Lake Waikaremoana and Lake Taupo
- Rivers and Streams: Effective in rivers with a good population of baitfish. Look for deeper pools and runs where larger trout might be lurking.
- Weed Beds: Fish around weed beds where baitfish are likely to be hiding
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